Friday, March 31, 2017

LEARN HTML II ( For Beginner )- How to make a HTML

Welcome back to !

Today we are going to continue our previous lesson about HTML. If you haven't seen our previous article, we suggest you to see it first. But if you have understand about structure of HTML before, you may continue read this article.

But before we continue our lesson, it would be good if we do some review.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is a programming language that allows you to input the text, picture, sound and video. The analogy of HTML is like a structure or a non fixed yet house. And the complements are CSS or Javascript. HTML can't be the best choice for you if you want to make an excellent website. But without HTML, CSS or Javascript will become nothing.

The Analogy of HTML and CSS :

So that was the review of HTML.
Now, let's continue our lesson about HTML.

How to make a HTML

As we knew, HTML is structured by the tags. This is the example of HTML :

The main tags of HTML are :
  • <html>  ...    </html>
  • <head>  ...    </head>
  • <title>    ...   </title>
  • <body>  ...   </body>
So if you want to make a HTML, the first thing that you have to do is making the HTML tags. For example, the basic tag is below :

And next, the thing that you should do is placing the title or the name of your website between <title> and </title>.

Example :

After that, you should make a content of your website. To make a content, you must write it inside of <body> and </body> tags.

Example :

Okay, that's all that we've got today. Thank you for your visit. You may also continue your lesson in our next article about HTML! Please leave a comment if you have a problem to learn HTML from our website.

See you!

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LEARN HTML II ( For Beginner )- How to make a HTML
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