Thursday, March 30, 2017

LEARN CSS Fundamental

Welcome back
oke to the point, I will learn and explain, how CSS learn;
before learn css you must understand about html work on web.
after that you can learn CSS very well.
you know css, css can make web to be simple easy

CSS standard for Cascading Style Sheets.
CSS two means:
-Cascading refer to way CSS applies one style on top of another
-Style Sheets control the look and feel of web documents
HTML and CSS work hand in hand:
-HTML is essential for any web professional. Acquiring this skill should be the starting point for anyone who is learning how to create content for the web.
web can be good if html and css work, not just html and not just css but together.

-CSS defines how HTML elements are displayed.
CSS used for to control the look and fell of web documents. CSS allows you to apply specific style to specific HTML elements.
CSS allows for for the sparation of style and content
CSS make HTML to be wonderful because css make style on web.

Inline CSS
using an inline style is one of the ways to insert a style sheet.

In order to use an inline style, add the style attribute to the relevant tag

The Example below shows how to create paragraph with a gray background and white text:


Embedded/Internal CSS

Internal styles are defined within the <style> element, inside the head section of an HTML page. 

For example, the following code styles all paragraphs:

All paragraphs have a white font and a gray background:
External CSS

With this method, all styling rules are contained in a single text file, which is saved with the .css extension. 

This CSS file is then referenced in the HTML using the <link> tag. The <link> element goes inside the head section.

Here is an example:

The CSS:

I think just this our learn on css, please learn css more
better late than never. try, try and try
see you next time.

thanks for you attention.

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LEARN CSS Fundamental
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