Today we are going to teach you to learn HTML.
There are so many programming language that we can learn to make a program or a website. There are HTML, CSS, Javascript, C and many more. But the most important programming language that very basic and useful is HTML.
HTML is acronym of Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is a kind of programming language. The website that we are using on is structured by HTML. So HTML is a language that allows you to input text, number, sound or even picture into the website.
Analogy of HTML
The analogy of HTML is not really as far as the picture above. We hope you understand. You're welcome.
Okay, those are the little definition of HTML. Next, we will show you the structure of HTML.
The example of HTML structure is below :
Then the result in the web will be like this :
For example, "Learn HTML" is my website title.
Then, I must put "Learn HTML" among or inside of <title> and </title> tags. And also, the <title> and </title> should be written inside of the <head> and </head> tags.
Tag <head> and <title> is connected each other. <head> contains the main information of a web and the <title> is a place to put a title of a web in the title bar.
You must write your title web inside of the tag <title> and <title> must be put in the <head> tag. So, if you want to add the title of your web, you should not forget the <head> and <title> tags. Actually, it's an optional whether you put the <title> tag or not. So, it's all depends on you.
The example of site is below.
After you make a website title, the next step is create your content. Content is something that you want to show in your website. You may show everything in your web, such as text, picture, audio or further, video.
The content that you want to show has to be written between tag <body> and </body>. In other meaning, you must write your content inside of the <body> and </body> tags. So tag <body> is the tag that
For example, I write "THIS IS MY FIRST HTML".
And the result will be like this :
- <HTML> : The main tag which is should be exist in HTML page.
- <HEAD> : The tag that contains the main information of the website.
- <TITLE> : The tag that can be used to add a title on the website.
- <BODY> : The tag that allows you to fill up your content.
Okay, that's all that we've got today.
Thank you for your visit. You may also continue your lesson in our next article about HTML! Please leave a comment if you have a problem to learn HTML from our website.
See you!
Thank you for your visit. You may also continue your lesson in our next article about HTML! Please leave a comment if you have a problem to learn HTML from our website.
See you!
Learn HTML I ( For Beginner ) - What is HTML